Wednesday, September 27, 2006


In case anyone gets mad at me because of my posts (this is in special reference to the o.O post) because they feel that I am trying to provoke them, or am making fun of them (yes, this has happened before), I would like to state here that the main aim of the post is to tell people of an incident I found amusing, and to share my responses to that. In short, the post is not about you, it's about me. (Unless you are Jason, and then yes the 2nd part of the post is all about you. You abandoned me to find a Japanese wife. You deserve it =b.) Evidently although it may be in my best interests not to write this disclaimer, because a post/comment/tag flamming me generally works in my favour, I'm not as scheming and evil as all that to wish for such an occurence.

Just a passing thought. Perhaps there is another possibility for someone to be too smart for their own good. Such as when people dig into my statements in public posts, and decide that I am 1. accusing someone of doing something and 2. possibly (probably) accusing them of being the culprit/villian, and then proceed to get all hot and bothered. Or when their name is mentioned in a post in a totally non-accusing way, with no hidden connotations, and they decide that possibly the entire post is in reference to them, and that they are being accused in not so many words of being the perpetuator of some situation. For the record, although I am a girl and girls tend to talk in circles around an actual topic, I have only one 'encrypted' post: Guild Recruitment, a post that was intended for someone named right at the top of the post. (If I feel like publically showing my appreciation to someone, and I feel like doing it in a way such that a private joke can be shared, it's my prerogative, so no need to comment heehee.) So is it possible that such people are too smart for their own good? Actually after a fleeting moment of wondering, the idea of 'not smart enough' started floating around. But since most people at some point in their life wish that they had more intelligence than they were born with, that's probably not right either. Anyway I agree with the numerous statements that 'not mature enough' is more accurate. Oh well. I guess I'll just remain amused at purely the 'advice' part of the 'too smart for your own good' issue.

Oh ya and before it's too late, I would like to say to Weili that I'm not at all mad that you thought I/Ernie was Gideon's alter ego, or that you thought I was an alter ego at all. I was just very taken aback by the statement that someone would suggest that I am an alter ego >.<. It's all Puffy's fault. Never make things clear to people. (Yes blame the poor guy *gigglez*.)

And yes, because this is a Disclamer post, I will add here that except for the Weili part, this entire post is about me. (Well, actually, if you want to look at it this way, even the Weili part IS about me heehee.) But feel free to write your comments on this post (oh wait if anyone wanted to, they so don't need my permission to, do they? lalala) because more amusement in my life is always welcome.


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