Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chicken/Egg Farms in Singapore

I suddenly remember actually going to a chicken/egg farm in Singapore a long long time ago! It was in Primary school for one of them excursions, so it could well have been just an egg farm because we only got to see the hens laying the eggs, and see how the eggs were sorted due to size. And of course there were plenty of little chicks. But it could have been a farm where chickens were bred for food coz I'm pretty sure they would not have destroyed the sensibilites of little kids by letting them see the slaughter of chickens.

Anyway the important part of all this is that I don't remember the egg laying hens having no beaks, or having shorn off beaks! I think I would have remembered! (More out of horror than anything else). So yay I guess I can feel less guilty when eating eggs in Singapore =).

I did get another chance to go to a chicken farm during one of my church camps in primary school, but I turned down the opportunity because, sincerely, I just wasn't interested. One time in such a short space of time was enough for me. The teachers tried to get me to go. One told me I should go there to find out 'Which came first? The chicken or the egg?'.... As if the answer would be provided there. And seriously, it's a really dumb thing to say at of all things, a CHURCH camp. I told him matter-of-factly that the chicken came first, because God made animals first. No, I didn't spawn a witty answer there and then just for him. I actually thought about it before coz I really had too much time on my hands as a kid. But that got me out of going to the farm, and perhaps shielded me from the fact that at some farms in singapore egg-laying hens have shorn off beaks.

Oh well. I will just eat eggs in the belief that the hens that laid them were not treated with undue cruelty =D.


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