Friday, September 22, 2006

Best things in life

The Best Things Ever:

  1. The ability to instantly teleport anywhere in the world
  2. Hot steamy sex in the shower
  3. Hearing someone say \'I love you\' and knowing they mean it
  4. Finding something you lost and forgot about.
  5. A hairstyle that takes no maintaince but still looks good on you
  6. Personal theme music so you know when something good or bad is about to happen
  7. Knowing that somewhere out there at least one person loves you or is thinking about you
  8. Waking up next your significant other and realizing that they are the one
  9. Saying something without thinking, and having it be the perfect thing to say
  10. Finding out that that hideous accident/chemical spill/etc that should have killed you has instead imbued you with superpowers
  11. Your own tropical island where anything you want magically appears
  12. Finding a job that pays a lot for your knowledge without requiring you to actually work
  13. Saying the perfect thing at the perfect moment, so that everyone laughs long and loud.
  14. Delivering a smart comeback at that right moment
  15. Comfortable silences
  16. Screwing around all day at work and not getting yelled at
  17. Having the best day of your life
  18. Having one of those great conversations that lasts all night and draws you closer to people you like
  19. Simultaneous orgasm with someone you love
  20. The most amazing person you've ever met wanting to be with you for the rest of your lives.


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