Saturday, September 23, 2006

21 Reasons why bridge is better than sex

  1. You don't have to hide your bridge magazines
  2. It is perfectly acceptable to hire a pro to play bridge with you once in a while
  3. The Ten Commandments don't say anything about bridge
  4. If your partner takes pictures of you at the table, you don't have to worry about them showing up in the tabloids when you become famous
  5. Your partner doesn't become upset about people you played bridge with long ago
  6. It is perfectly acceptable to play bridge with a total stranger
  7. When you see a really good bridge player, you don't have to feel guilty about imagining the two of you at the table together
  8. When your regular partner is not available, he/she will not mind if you play bridge with someone else
  9. No one will ever tell you that you will go blind if you play bridge by yourself
  10. When dealing with a bridge pro, you never have to worry that they are an undercover cop
  11. You can have a bridge calendar on your wall at the office, tell bridge jokes and invite co-workers to play bridge without being sued for harassment
  12. There are no bridge-transmitted diseases (except the compulsion to play more bridge)
  13. You don't have to lock the door when you play bridge on the Internet, and when you visit a bridge website you won't get emails from for the rest of your life
  14. Nobody expects you to play bridge with the same partner for the rest of your life
  15. Nobody expects you to give up bridge if your partner loses interest in it
  16. You can still do it in your 80`s, and people won't gasp in horror if they find out
  17. Your bridge partner will never say, " Not again, we just played bridge last week! Is Bridge all you ever think about?" Oops! - maybe they will
  18. A man doesn't need lots of finesse(s) to be successful at bridge, but then he needs some squeezes
  19. The phrase "could be short" carries no negative connotation....
  20. The principle of "Fast Arrival" would not be regarded negatively
  21. If the partnership agrees on two over one, it wouldn't be considered an orgy
Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand.
-Woody Allen

So there. You guys better appear for the bridge introductions I plan to publish soon =X.


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