Saturday, September 30, 2006


I had no idea why girls like to shop.

In Singapore, I have always hated shopping/accompaining people to shop.

I'm the type of person who doesn't care about style/fashion or anything. In fact, for the whole of my J1 year I spent it trotting around in shorts much to the disgust of many of my teachers who seemed to think every decent RJC guy had to be in long pants. I only want to wear something which makes me feel comfortable and shorts were, well, nice and cooling. I didn't really care about things like cut or colour(and still don't) and well my daily selection of clothes is the first shirt and jeans/pants I could grab from the cupboard. I mean, that is if I had nothing special for that day.

Today was, WOW. After paying $10 to take a bus ride to Aurora, a place to shop for winter clothing, I felt that I really had to buy something to make my money's worth. Anyway, Puffy's yield for the day:

Yellow Down Jacket: 90 US
Yellow Nauctica Sweat Shirt: 30 US
Winter Boots: 50 US
Nice blue comfy slippers: 20 US
Black Leather Gloves: 20 US
Ear muffs: 16 US

Total: 236 US.

I'll take photos of'em after I get my handphone.

Being the first time I actually chose my own clothes, I think it is amazing how quickly money flows away. It's like. WOW. Anyway it was really fun picking and choosing my clothes. But, I still cannot understand how people can spend hours fussing over jeans/tops/bags/ whatever. I guess some day I will understand. Just like how some day I will understand why people like alcohol.


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