Sunday, November 08, 2009

Breaking News - America's Got Talent Judges Make Fun of 4-Year-Old Kaitlyn Maher

It seems that in the modern world of show-biz, as long as it makes money, anything goes. As Lily Allen so aptly puts it in her song The Fear, 'I'll take my clothes off and it will be shamless because everyone knows that how you get famous."
And in a live television show, what better way to do it than to get the audience on your side? Tell sob stories to get them to sympathise with you or crack jokes and make them roar with laughter. It doesn't really matter HOW. Just as long as ratings go up.
Thus did the three judges on the episode of America's Got Talent which can be viewed at the following link:
Poor little Kaitlyn Maher is only 4. After her performance of "What a Wonderful World", the judges then teased her mercilessly, sending her into shock and rendering her capable of uttering only 2 words - "Thank you." Rubbing salt into the wound were the members of the audience, who laughed appreciatively at the jokes and did absolutely nothing to stop the poor girl from being tortured on live television.
Heh. I can now imagine the exact same set of people who criticised Riz Low in the Shan and Rozz show going, "Wah! This person so STUPID! How come she cannot tell that the America's Got Talent's judges are merely playing around with Kaitlyn Maher? It's JUST A JOKE! They don't really mean it!"
Eh, but the audience is laughing leh? How come har?
Ohhhhh. I see! They are IN ON THE JOKE TOO! *beams*


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